Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameU.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7 (Revision
ECF Go Live Date1/1/2005
Maximum PDF File Size200.0 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size40 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)500
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 4:24-cv-00473-CDL

Court Locations
Court's Name U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma
Court's Address 333 W. 4th St., Rm. 411, Tulsa, OK 74103
Court's Phone Number CM/ECF Help Desk: (918)699-4844 or toll free (866)213-1957; General Court Information: (918)699-4700
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:30AM - 4:30PM, Monday - Friday

Court Offices

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
3J/PNLThree Judge Panel Assigned
ADMINCLOSECase Administratively Closed
APPEALAppeal to Circuit Court Pending
ASSETAsset Proceedings in Case
BARREDParty Barred from Filing
BIFURCATECase has been Bifurcated
CASREFCase Fully Referred to MJ
CERTQUESTIONCertified Question Pending in State Court
CLASSCase Certified as Class Action
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONMAGCase Consented to Proceed Before MJ
CONSDSMember Case for Discovery Consolidation
CONSPTMember Case for Pretrial Consolidation
CONSTRMember Case for Trial/Full Consolidation
CPYRGTCopyright Infringement Case
DEATHHabeas Death Penalty Case
DISCREFDiscovery Referred to MJ
EXECUTIONWrit of Execution Proceedings in Case
GARNGarnishment Proceedings in Case
INTAPPInterlocutory Appeal to Circuit Court Pending
INTERPRETERInterpreter Needed for Criminal Defendant
LANDLand Condemnation Case
LEADDSLead Case for Discovery Consolidation
LEADPTLead Case for Pretrial Consolidation
LEADTRLead Case for Trial/Full Consolidation
LV/CTParty Needs Leave of Court Before Filing in this Case
M/22552255 Motion Pending
MDL in ND/OKCase Part of MDL Action Hosted in ND/OK
MERGEDCase has been Merged into a Criminal Case
MINORCase Involves a Minor
MOTREFMotions Referred in Case
NOMAGNo Magistrate Assigned to Case
PATENTPatent Infringement Case
PROTOProtective Order Entered in Case
R/RReport and Recommendation Pending
REMANDCase Remanded
REOPENCase Reopened
SALESale Proceedings in Case
SEALEDCase Sealed
SETCONSettlement Conference Set in Case
SEVERCriminal Defendant Severed
STAY/DDiscovery Stayed
STAYEDCase Stayed
STRK1Strike One
STRK2Strike Two
STRK3Strike Three
TRADEMARKTrademark Infringement Case
TRAN10Case Transferred to 10th Circuit re: 2nd or Successive Habeas Petition or 2255 Motion
TRANSFCase Transferred to Other District
U/ADVISECase Taken Under Advisement
VJASSIGNTHIS CASE is Currently Assigned and/or Referred to a Visiting Judge
VJASSIGN-XTHIS CASE was Previously Assigned and/or Referred to a Visiting Judge
VJREFSPECIFIC MATTERS IN THIS CASE are Currently Referred to a Visiting Judge
VJREF-XSPECIFIC MATTERS IN THIS CASE were Previously Referred to a Visiting Judge

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